My name is Jeanette Pearson. I am a life-enthusiast driven by my unique blend of passions for motherhood, self-care, empowering women, transformation, conscious partnership, living on purpose, and my innate love for cultivating community.
Perhaps, like you, I had no intention of letting my self-care needs slide by the wayside after having my daughter. Well, I can tell you right now that it did anyway. I found myself in pain, snapping at my husband, and feeling sorry for myself. I scheduled time to take care of me and everything shifted. I became a better mother, wife, and more inspired woman. Then, perhaps like you, when I went back to working full time, I let it slip again and I bet you know what happened…. Again…. Yes, I found myself in pain, snapping at my husband, feeling inconvenienced by everything, and feeling sorry for myself. It was at that point that I decided that I would do things differently. I decided to take back control of my calendar because like you, I knew there had to be another way.
Soon after, I discovered there were many women out there, just like us, who need what we know.